Quality represents the sum of the attributes and characteristics of a product that impact its ability to meet specific needs. TheHighLandKilts is committed to delivering the highest quality products.

At TheHighLandKilts , your satisfaction is our number one priority. We work hard to ensure that our kilts are capable of not just meeting, but exceeding your expectations. Still, we know it’s hard to trust the quality of a product when you’re shopping online and not able to see or touch it for yourself.
That’s why we have instituted our 100% Satisfaction Like It or Throw It Guarantee! We stand behind the quality of our kilts fully and that means that we won’t ever make you pay for a kilt that doesn’t meet your high standards. With our satisfaction guarantee, we’ll refund your money fully if you’re dissatisfied with the quality or appearance of your kilt.

Quality Standards for Love It or Return It:

If you’re dissatisfied with any of the following aspects:

  • Stitching
  • Cutting or finishing
  • Fabric quality
  • Hardware quality or durability
  • Any other manufacturing aspect

If you’re uncertain whether your concern is covered by our satisfaction guarantee, please reach out to us before considering returning your kilt. We are more than willing to engage with you to address your concerns and find a fair solution. You can contact us via phone or email at support@thehighlandkilts.com.